Are you looking to becoming your own boss? You do not have to be confined to your routine 9-5 income. If you have a talent or want to develop a skill take some time develop that skill and get paid for it! Trust me after 2015-2016 I have become a believer working on this creative freelancing hustle and I have been able to obtain steady work. Once you get the hang of it and continue to improve you will be supplementing your income in no time.

There are many advantages of freelance work. That does not mean the journey traveled will be glitter and rainbows. Starting up your own business takes time and sacrifice. Many will stray away from the idea of having to put in the work. The thought of not having a steady paycheck and working within a structured work environment can be scary to most people. It is important to shut out negativity and realize your value and how you can change someone’s life. Also just think you can be an inspiration to somebody else.

In this post, I will touch on 8 reasons I personally see why one should consider Freelancing. As you should know in this line of work with the good comes the not so good so I will touch on that as well.

1. You are your own boss

This can go without saying, but we all(or at least most of us) want to be our own boss, make our own decisions and not have to always report to your boss for your next task. Control over your own business!

What a lot of people fail to understand is even though you may feel stable working a regular 9 to 5, having great benefits and paid reasonably you are you are still at the mercy of the economy, company setbacks, and any other drama that can possibly occur. In these times you can never be too certain. Having your own business means you will have to deal with the economy head on and make sacrifices. The world will not always be kind to you but you will ultimately be under control of what goes out and what comes in.

2. Setting your own schedule and goals

You can open and close shop whenever you are ready! If you need more than 30 mins or an hour for a lunch break you can take the time no problem. Your goal could finish 2 projects before the afternoon and take the rest of the day off. This would not be unlikely as a freelancer. Set your goals for the week and achieve them to get back to your personal life.

You can work your life around your work schedule much better when freelancing. Be sure to stay focused and remain active across your platforms and continue to engage your audience. You cannot just hop into Freelancing and think you will have steady clients and steady money streaming. You may get a few clients here and there on startup but will they be consistent? Will they even pay enough to keep the lights on? Staying active and relevant to the times is important, expect much of your time spent researching, networking and marketing yourself as well.

3. Working from home

My dream job is to work on a project in a relaxed environment with a shirt and basketball shorts on. The only place I can think of to match my description is Home. Most freelance jobs will allow you to work from home. Need I say more!

I think this is self-explanatory and the only downside to this is using your home resources more than you usually would. I will get into this a bit more below. Be sure you have all of the hardware, software, and furniture you need before you step into the ring. If you have the room set up a section so you can do your work.

4. Choosing your own work

Whatever your skills are there will be somebody looking for what you have to offer. Concentrate on one focus or become the jack of all trades. Do whatever suits you.

In my experience, it is very important to find out what you specialize in and master it. Having a product or service for a niche audience is key as well. Determine how your skill will suit your target audience and focus on that. Along the way, you can expand your skill set and improve your product line.

5. Expenses

You can eliminate your commute to work, eating out for lunch, potlucks, parking fees, etc. On the other end, you will be using your home more often which could lead to other factors like using your electricity, gas, water more. You can flip this by using tax deductions to offset the expenses you end up creating. Have a skilled account help you with what you can write for using your home as an office. Think of all the expenses you will have while doing your work and keep all of your receipts. You can also plan out your meals and use of your home resources.

6. Opening yourself up to an international market

Opening yourself up to an international can allow for infinite possibilities. Think outside of the U.S. and obtain business from international clients. You usually can do this by looking for work online especially sites like Freelancer where you will see potential clients post projects from all over the world. Be sure your currency conversions are correct and payment options are set up on both sides.

You can also use social media to open your content to an international audience by posting relevant content and using hashtags to enter discussions. Joining forums and discussion boards can help in joining discussions and helping others in need.

7. Deciding how much you want to earn

More than likely your job is not paying you what you are worth. You can bet you will also reach some type of ceiling cap at your 9 to 5. You can set your own prices, include the cost of the materials you use and your efforts. Once you find this dollar amount you will see that this is more rewarding than what you would be making at your desk job.

You may see you will have to start at the minimum at the beginning of your journey, you won’t like it. Once you start obtaining clients you will start to see more profit. As you master your skills you can begin to charge more for your work. This is not a get rich scheme, it takes patience and time.

8. Networking

There are many others that are in your position thinking of how lucrative and rewarding being your own boss can be, then there are individuals who have already paved the way. Network with like-minded individuals to gain insight on how to start your own business. There are infinite resources out there, find the help you need to become efficient and effective.

It is important however to remember everybody will not be your ally. Be supportive and respective but also remain vigilant.


Freelancing can open doors to many other opportunities. You will ultimately determine how far you will take your business. There are various sites available where you can begin finding work online. I have provided such links below. It is important to create a foundation for your business. Create a brand identity for yourself and have some examples of your previous work handy. This is a good start for gaining the trust of your potential clients.

I have provided several links to sites where you can find work and begin making money on the side. Check out the below links and find a platform that suits you.

[Update] Elance has merged with oDesk to become Upwork. Elance will direct you to Upwork.

Freelance work:









Freelance Writing Gigs

College Recruiter

Rent A Coder





I will be updating this post as I find more resources. Expect more updates in the future.

Happy Hustling.

Awesome Works
Awesome Works

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